Unraveling Religion’s Part 3 As A Fly On The Wall: Eavesdropping On Human Musings, Existence, and ‘Coming Home’
January 13, 2024

In Part 3 Lisa, Rich, and Joel examine the secret to the existential dilemma and how to resolve it.
The answer, ‘service.’
Also, surfing and meditation and the story of Reb Zusha, a Hasidic Master.
A Jewish Kabbalistic look at death, judgment, and Heavenly Decrees, ultimately who judges us?
Does human life have spiritual veils and what do they hide?
Also discussed is American Zen Buddhism and the two most influential books in American Zen, ‘Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind’ and ‘The Three Pillars of Zen.’
From Zen Mind, Beginner Mind, ‘The basic teaching of Buddhism is the teaching of transcency or change.’ and ‘That everything changes is the basic truth for each existence.’
What actually determines the quality of our life: is it what we receive from others, or what we give to others?
What is our relationship to Death?
What are we forced to let go of in life and what returns to us in the future?
These explorations build into a final poem Lisa wrote and reads.
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