Third Wednesday of each month at 6:30-8:00 PM Eastern
Attend in person in Pittsford or on Zoom. In-person attendance is available in a limited capacity.
Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Khan’s metaphysical and practical exploration of the Sufi concept of the journey of the soul is neatly reviewed in the book, The Soul’s Journey, published under his name. We will review the book in depth with some additional material from previous workshops led by Henry and perhaps other references. There will be expected reading, discussion, and experiential practices when appropriate.
Suggested fee is sliding scale starting at $10 USD (if class continues for more than 12 sessions, another donation will be requested). If workshops or retreats evolve from this (this will be a group decision), there will be a separate fee.
Though the concepts reviewed are “Sufi”, this series is open to anyone who is curious to explore this area. It is suitable for both beginners and more experienced seekers.
Contact us if you have any questions about the class or you’re interested in participating!